Mary Jo OBrien
Mary Jo OBrien, Realty One Group ExecutivesPhone: (508) 612-4858

Tag: DIY

Posted on 04/15/2024
DIY Guide: Sweatshirt Pet Bed
There are many options for repurposing or donating old clothing. For pet owners, here is one more option: making a custom pet bed. This simple DIY project will help you transform an old sweatshirt into a cozy new bed for your small dog or cat. Here is all of the information you need to get started: Materials &...
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Posted on 03/18/2024
Bedroom: DIY projects to enhance your personal space
Your bedroom is probably the most personal space in your house - and one of the most relaxing. However, it often goes without the same effort as other rooms regarding décor. If you are looking to start a new project, here are a few great DIY options for your bedroom: Floral garland backdrop To create a whimsical or...
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Posted on 10/10/2022
Plumbing: Preventative Maintenance That Could Save You a Fortune
Your home's pipes, toilets and other plumbing fixtures can develop leaks or other problems over time. Even minor plumbing problems can end up leading to serious water damage if they're not found early enough. Taking steps to keep your plumbing in good shape can help lower the risk of dealing with major plumbing issues. Performing the following preventive...
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Posted on 09/12/2022
How to Choose the Perfect Paint Color for Your Home
You have a lot of freedom in painting the rooms inside your home, but that doesn't make it easy to pick a color. Whether you are the type of person who lives peacefully among neutral tones or you have a vibrant personality that requires bold colors, you will want to use these tips to help you choose the...
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Posted on 09/05/2022
3 Simple Tips for Customizing Your Flower Pots
You don’t need to spend a fortune on expensive flower pots and planters. Decorating a plain pot and turning it into a custom piece is simple and inexpensive and can really make a difference in your plant collection’s aesthetic. No matter your style, terracotta pots make the perfect starting point for this project. Here are some tips you...
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